We are all everyday psychologists . . .

We are all everyday psychologists. Psychology, the study of human behavior, is something all we use every day of our lives whether we realize it or not. The aim of this blog is to gather and reflect upon web-wide information about human behavior to enhance understanding of ourselves and others.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

One Treatment Method Is Not Enough to Conquer Depression

Modern society is focused on quick fixes for problems. Products for rapid weight loss, online diploma mills, and technology that provides instant communication with others all stem from this collective mindset. Unfortunately, we tend to extend that "instant results" mentality to solving health issues.

A common scenario in someone diagnosed with depression is that he/she goes to a family physician and is given a prescription and perhaps a referral to counseling. Quite a few people do not follow through with the counseling, because "I'm too busy, I don't have time." Others will go to counseling and expect the counselor to tell them exactly what to do to feel better right now, and will stop going after one or two sessions. Likewise, many people expect immediate relief from their prescriptions, as if depression were merely a headache that goes away with one pill. Premature discontinuance of prescribed medication for depression is extremely common.

Depression is a whole body illness, and research published in an online seminar by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center supports treating it from multiple perspectives at once.

Major Depression Requires Several Treatment Steps For Remission