We are all everyday psychologists . . .

We are all everyday psychologists. Psychology, the study of human behavior, is something all we use every day of our lives whether we realize it or not. The aim of this blog is to gather and reflect upon web-wide information about human behavior to enhance understanding of ourselves and others.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What a Relief!

You made it to the airport just in time to catch your flight. You submitted that important job application online with only two minutes to spare before the deadline. You were worried your date would be angry at you for cancelling at the last minute, but he/she is nothing but understanding. Whew!

That special release of tension called relief is an experience everyone can relate to, yet it has received very little scientific attention. A study by researchers at the University of California, Riverside and the University of Minnesota reveals some interesting information.

The Psychology of Whew!